Cinema program "Hunter Killer" in Rzeszów
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Runtime: 121 min.
Production: Chiny/USA , 2018
Category: action / thriller
Release Date: 26 October 2018
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Donovan Marsh
Cast: Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman, Billy Bob Thornton
The producers of the box office hits: "The Expendables", "The Fast and the Furious" and "Olimp on fire" present the screening of the daring novel "Firing Point". Written by the author of the best-sellers - Don Keith and former military commander of the submarines - George Wallace, the book was a sales hit in the US and was hailed as "ready material for the screenplay for the Hollywood blockbuster" (Publishers Weekly). The transfer of the best-selling work to the cinema screens was attended by a galaxy of excellent actors, including: Gerard Butler ("300"), Oscar winner - Gary Oldman ("Dark Knight Rises") and Common ("John Wick 2). "Ocean of Fire" is packed with special effects, thrilling production in the spirit of Tom Clancy's works, with dynamics and action straight from the "Call of Duty" series.
An American nuclear-powered ship - USS Arkansas, commanded by Captain Joe Glass (Gerard Butler), reaches a place where Russian submarine sank under unknown circumstances. Examining the background of the disaster, the captain discovers that the incident was not a coincidence, but a perfectly planned act of terror. A rebellious Russian general stands behind him, attempting to lead to the outbreak of World War III. When the traitor succeeds in kidnapping the President of Russia and the world is in chaos, Glass joins the US Navy Seals. Together, the soldiers make a bold attempt to take back the head of state from the hands of a terrorist. The fate of the entire globe will depend on the success of their mission.

Movie trailer: Hunter Killer
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pomimo, że lubię prozę Toma Clancy i tego typu tematykę wytrzymałem ten stek bzdur z najwyższym trudem ... niestety nie jest to aż tak głupie by było śmieszne ...
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