Cinema program "Queen of Hearts" in Rzeszów
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Runtime: 127 min.
Production: Dania/Szwecja , 2019
Release Date: 7 June 2019
Distribution: Gutek Film
Directed by: May el-Toukhy
Cast: Trine Dyrholm, Gustav Lindh, Magnus Krepper
Does passion justify crossing borders? When does grooming turn into exploitation? "Queen of Hearts" by Danish director May el-Toukhy, winner of the audience award at the Sundance Festival, is a provocative, captivating and dark tale that raises questions bothering the world in the #metoo era - only that it finds unobvious answers for them. This fascinating melodrama reverses the roles: the seducer is a mature woman in her, and a seduced seventeen-year-old. Both fall into the trap of lust, pride and lies.
Anne (Trine Dyrholm) is a respected lawyer who helps minors of sexual harassment. Her husband, Peter (Magnus Krepper) is a valued doctor. High economic, professional and social status allows them to lead a comfortable life in an elegant estate where they raise their twin daughters. One day, Gustav (Gustav Lindh) appears in their home - rebellious teenage son Peter from his first marriage. His presence will awaken Anne's dormant desires, fueled by glances, gestures, casual touch. Is a forbidden relationship in which to gain a moment of erotic fulfillment, and to lose - everything is worth the risk?
"Królowa Kier" is a perfect combination of a psychological cinema with an erotic drama created by an extremely talented female trio: director Maya El-Toukhy, screenwriter Maren Louise Käehne and prominent Danish actress Trine Dyrholm ("Commune", "Wedding in Sorrento"). The film allows you to look at lust from a female point of view, and thanks to the phenomenal, bold role of Dyrholm - experience its intensity.

Movie trailer: Queen of Hearts
Your comments
Film interesujący ale warunki w jakich się go ogląda w Gliwicach fatalne. Z sąsiedniej sali dochodzą odgłosy innego filmu a obsługa tłumaczy to potrzebą otwierania drzwi dla klimatyzowania sali.Dno!
Rzadko płaczę ale tu i z wściekłości mnie poniosło
Swietny film.Takie troche
Widz oglada,wspolczuje z
bohaterka,przezywa z nia
Nie zgadza sie z jej
dezycjami,lecz je rozumie.Brawa
dla glownej bohaterki za
porzadna gre.