Cinema program "The Autopsy of Jane Doe" in Rzeszów
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"The Autopsy of Jane Doe"
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Runtime: 99 min.
Production: Wlk. Brytania , 2016
Category: horror / horror
Release Date: 6 January 2017
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: Andre Ovredal
Cast: Emile Hirsch, Brian Cox, Ophelia Lovibond
Truth is like death. There is no escape from it.
Acclaimed by critics, the movie about how a belief in the power of reason capitulates to the supernatural.
Horror director of the cult "HUNTERS trolls."
In a remote area found the body of a beautiful girl. All indications are that the victim did not die a natural death. Two pathologists court - father and son - have in one night to determine the cause of death. It's the best specialists in the city, pokładający boundless faith in the power of human reason. They work methodically and calmly, rejecting clues, which can not be explained scientifically. Soon, however, they will be forced to verify all their beliefs. When you begin to understand the meaning of truth, where the trail came up, it will be too late to retreat. And none of what we have witnessed so far not prepared them to confront with such incomprehensible nightmare.

Movie trailer: The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Your comments
Naprawdę dobry film. Osoby piszące że nudny, spokojnie znajdą wspólny język na filmie Ostatni smok świata- wraz z moją córką
nie jest to wyśmienity horror ale ma klimat no i wciąga tak więc warto obejrzeć polecam
Film konczy sie w momencie, w ktorym myslalam ze sie rozkreci.. brak fabuly. Dla mnie nudny i bardziej dramatyczny niz horror..
Ma moc